Wed. Mar 19th, 2025

If you’re a guy or if you are shopping for suits for young men, you may have some questions or concerns. You may not know what is in style for young men these days when it comes to suits. It would be foolish to just buy any old thing for a young man. Just because you know the size suit that he wears doesn’t mean you know what a young man wears. Suits for young men these days come in all types of styles, colors and fits as well. The keyword here is fit. Guys under 30 years old or hovering slightly over that bracket don’t just wear any type of suit out there. The suits you’ll see young men wear these days are either slim fit suits or modern fit suits. Read how to buy slim fit suits for men here.

suits for young men

It’s Throwback time.

Slim fit suits are the 1960s throwback of fashion suits from the early James Brown era. These are suits for young men who like to tighter fitting clothing to show off their physique.

It’s all about tighter fitting.

These tight fitting style suits feature a tight fitting jacket. You can find that it isn’t just the torso that is tighter. It is also tighter in the sleeves. The length of the jacket is about two inches shorter as well which is what these young guys like to wear. The pants of course are tighter fitting as well and you will never ever see a pleat on the front of the pants of a slim fit suit. Young men seem to hate pleats. Pleats represent Dad, and a young man does not want to dress like his dad. Ever.

Modern Fit is for Business.

Modern fit suits are slim fit suits business world brother. These are suits for young men that are smack in the middle between a regular fit suit and slim fit style suit. They are still excepted by young men to wear when they happen to have an office job and a slim fit suit just isn’t business appropriate. Modern fit style suits are very similar to the slim fit models except that they aren’t as extreme as a slim fit.

The Shorter Length is part of the style.

The jackets for instance are an inch shorter in length compared to two inches shorter for a slim fit suit. The sleeves although tailored are not squeezing the guys arms either. The pants of course are flat front and not a pleat will be anywhere to be found but are not tight fitting but just right.

In conclusion.

Think of a modern fit suit as a more tailored fitting suit than a regular fit suit and you’ll get the idea. Young men love to wear these suits as well and if you’re out and about in a bustling big city during lunch time. You’ll see scores of well dressed guys coming out of their office buildings wearing these modern fit style suits.